Friday, March 30, 2018

March 29 - Blood Work

March 29 - Blood Work

Happy Thursday everyone!! Our's didn't start out on the greatest note with someone who really didn't want to get moving this morning! Barely got his astronaut to his space ship, and only did get it there because Mommy told him she was Angry and that gets him moving, and then Daddy basically put his shoes on for him!

But once we got to the hospital things turned around. I had to stop him from trying to climb into the fountain! He saw the money (which we have been working on what money is and what it means) and thought he could take some! We then had a talk about that wasn't ok.
 We got over to the lab and the Child Life Specialist was just coming out. She saw Levi's jacket (which has his name on it) and she said "Are you THE Levi?!?! The famous Levi?? P talks about you ALL the time!! I really have to come watch how this actually goes" and turned around to come and watch Levi's blood work.

He picked out his band-aid and started playing a game on the tablet. (We have now learned that P requested the tablet from CLS because of Levi and the other kids she has! So we are appreciative to them!) He was playing a Wild Kratts game and was having a blast. The draw went as smooth as ever! P really is so good to him. He wanted to keep playing after the draw was done, and I allowed it for a few minutes and then said it was time to go to the treasure box. Apparently I need to put the PBS Kids app on his tablet, as its loaded with great games!

He got over to the treasure box which was full of brand new things!! Sitting right on the top was a very cool Paw Patrol toy! One I am sure was placed strategically there for Levi (and didn't come from the dollar store) but Levi didn't want it. I think P was a little upset, but she got down on the floor with him to dig around. He ended up picking a green Sticky hand. Oh Joy! My favorite!! NOT! :) haha!!

 Then because it was Thursday and until this morning the week had gone very well, he was allowed to get his donut. Here he is showing off the donut case!
 He was very happy when it was his turn! He ordered his donut with proper manners and paid for it with both of his moneys! The Donut Lady couldn't give him a hug today as she wasn't feeling the greatest, but Levi was ok with that, and gave her a big wave! Then we were off to school!
 In the past few months Levi has gotten much neater at eating. But today was not a neat day!! We got to school and I just had to take this picture of his face!
 Then he was so proud to show me his hands too! When I was cleaning him up I asked if he had eaten any chocolate or just warn it all, and he said "I ate some!! By licking it!! HAHA!" and was laughing a ton. I love his little toddler laugh.
I got him cleaned up and he was in to school soon after.

Counts came in very early today! It was nice! His counts are 234! So another increase and a great number!!

Next Plan: Labs again on Monday!

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