Thursday, March 15, 2018

March 15 - Blood Work

March 15 - Blood Work

After a somewhat relaxing morning we headed to the lab. Levi was in a much better mood today and so was I so that definitely helped our morning run smoother. We got to the hospital and checked out his fountain, it's still only running from the bottom which is not making Levi happy, so we headed over to see P. As per usual lately there was no line or waiting and I signed him in and then he went right out back. P had a student shadowing her this morning who I think was a little taken back when Levi came running in, but she smiled. Levi gave her a look like "why are you here? You aren't my P!" But then he saw that P was at her desk and he smiled and was happy. Once again he picked out a PJ Masks band-aid, this time we got Cat Boy.

The draw itself went great as per usual. P really is very skilled at what she does. Levi didn't want to stop bleeding today and we ended up having to put a piece of cotton under his band-aid to hopefully help it stop bleeding faster. That's not usually a good sign for Levi. I hope our counts are still ok.

Then Levi was off to the treasure box. He had troubles deciding what he wanted today, he kept saying he wanted something new but ended up picking out Silly Putty again. I hate that stuff! But he loves it, so we allow it at the table only!
Then he was off to give P her hug. She opened up her snack drawer to let him pick a snack. He looked up at her, closed the drawer and said "Nope I don't need a snack, I have money for the Donut Lady today!" and was very proud of himself. We headed over to the donuts. They are gearing up for St. Patrick's day so everything was green which made Levi very happy.

We have been working with him on money and reading it, so while we waited our turn Levi and I talked about the donuts being $1.25 and how he has his paper money with 1 on it and that is for the $1 and then there is a dot and then his round money is a quarter which is worth 25 and that is for the 25 part. He is starting to get it, and it's fun to watch his little brain work.

When we got up to the front of the line the Donut Lady came out for her hug which Levi happily gave her and then he handed her his money for his donut. She let him pick out which one he wanted, which of course was the one with more sprinkles on it. As she was bagging it up Levi saw the St. Patricks Sugar cookies and he said "What are these?" and pointed to them. She said "They are sugar cookies with green sprinkles" and handed him one for free! She really loves the little bugger. The whole way to the car he was clutching his cookie and saying "she gave me the cookie with the most sprinkles. the most green sprinkles. it matches my jacket. The cookie with the most sprinkles mommy!" and "This cookie is sooooo big! It's going to take so many bites to eat! It might take me days to eat it!" He was very excited.

Once I got him bucked in he wanted his donut to eat! He is saving his cookie for on the way to swim class tonight.
We headed off to school and I dropped him off with his friends. His counts came in a little after 9am at a count of 295. A 66 point drop since Monday, but still an amazing number, and at this point 2 weeks post infusions we are expecting drops with the hopes that he will level out in the high 100's.

Next plan: Blood Work again on Monday! Have a great weekend everyone. And please all pray for no more snow!

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