Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 26 - Blood Work

March 26 - Blood Work

We got to the lab this morning bright and early as it's the every other week where I have a 9am meeting that I have to be at and from the time I leave home, drive to blood work, do blood work, drive to preschool, drop off Levi, and then drive to work it's about 90 minutes. Levi was not impressed to be up early! He was doubly unimpressed when we got to the lab and P wasn't there!
He picked out his band-aid and got up in the chair, but was very very unhappy about it. Especially when there was no tablet only my phone to play on. This is the face of a very sad and tired little boy!
The draw went ok though definitely a little slower then P does it which threw Levi off a little. She cleaned his arm several times as she couldn't pick which vein she wanted to use, and he was unimpressed by that. Once she actually poked him she got the vein on the first try and got the blood right away, it was just the lead up process to the actual poke that took longer.

Finally we were off to the treasure box. Levi was unimpressed that the nurse pulled it out and opened it for him as that is part of what he likes to do. Then he couldn't make up his mind. He just kept going back and forth on different things. I finally had to tell him that he had to pick because we were headed to school.
He had his hand on a matchbox bus (which is the coolest thing ever and I so want him to pick it one day) and I thought he had decided, but at the last minute he put that back and picked the duck. In the end it was a good choice for him (not that he needs more stuffed animals) but because he has played with it and slept with it for days now!! (yes I am writing this blog post several days after Monday!haha... Life happens, I am not always on the ball!)

The duck has been named Quacky and watch out if you come to our house because he likes to tickle people!

We got to the car and Levi and Quacky finished Levi's TMNT cookie that had been a surprise in his breakfast cup! It was super cute and sweet!
Tonight Levi has gymnastics and Jay is picking him up, so when we got to school while Levi was getting out of his car seat I secretly stashed Quacky in the very bottom of his back pack. I told Jay later that he was there for Levi! And boy was Levi excited when Daddy picked him up and had Quacky!!

Counts took a little while to come in today, and I was just starting to get concerned that the different nurse hadn't done the paperwork right (yes in this day of computers they have to complete the paperwork every time we go, its not just saved in the computer. In fact his standing lab order just means that the lab paperwork is in a file cabinet drawer at the hospital!! Seems crazy) but then it came in. His counts are 228! Wow! A 27 point increase since Thursday! A great number!!! :)

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