Friday, July 20, 2018

July 17 - Blood Work

July 17 - Blood Work

Happy Tuesday!! Levi was in no mood to go to school or blood work this morning! But a donut in his breakfast cup made things a little better. At least his headphones are smiling!
We got to the lab and there was no waiting, but Levi took a silly selfie anyways! There are 2 lab techs now in the lab, and that throws me off sometimes on if there is a wait or not, so I usually make Levi sit until he gets called in.
He headed in once P told him he could and went right to his band-aid. He picked Paw Patrol, but was a little sad that all of the Rocky band-aids were gone.
The draw went amazing. P is so great at what she does, and then he was off to the treasure box. It only took him a minute to decide once he saw the green owl. Everyone meet our newest family member, Tickle!
Levi is in love with him!
Then we were off to school! Tickle went to school with Levi for the day, to check it out and get nap time cuddles. Counts didn't take very long to come in today, only about an hour, and they are 196. So a definite drop, but not awful. We will see if we level out here or if we continue to fall.

Next Plan: Blood work again on Friday. We will get back to our regular schedule next week, but this week is crazy, so Friday just works better.

Update: I picked Levi up from school and he grabbed Tickle and told me we had to fix him. Sure enough his back seem had come completely open and his fluff was coming out. Levi kept saying "we have to put his fluff back in!" and "his fluff is getting out". I said I could fix him no problem. We got home and I went to fix him, and uh-oh, all of my sewing stuff is packed in storage. Should have though to pull some of that out. We called Nonna, and she came to our rescue with a needle and some green thread, and Tickle has now had surgery and is back in one piece!! Levi was so cute, he gave him a hug and a cuddle before we put Tickle "to sleep" for surgery. Then he woke him up after and told him to relax and rest. It was the most adorable thing ever!!

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