Friday, July 20, 2018

June 28 - Blood Work

June 28 - Blood Work

Happy Thursday everyone!! Levi had a dentist appointment in the afternoon so to make the most sense of the day we decided to do blood work after his appointment instead of in the morning.

His dentist appointment went great! He was totally relaxing and being a cool dude!
We got to the lab at 2:50! They close at 3:00 so we barely made it. It wasn't more then a minute after we got there that registration closed and P turned the hallway light down so that people knew the lab was closed. Glad we made it in time. They would have drawn Levi even if it was after 3:00 since it's a stat lab, but it's so much easier not to have to deal with that.

We set down to wait as there were several people ahead of us. It was pouring today so Levi was excited to get to wear his green jacket again today. It's been too hot for a jacket lately, but not today!
P saw that we had come in and knew that Levi would be the last draw of the day with a wait of several people so she nicely brought the tablet out for him to play on in the waiting room. He was having a blast playing on it! And it kept him good in the waiting room.
When it was Levi's turn he headed in. Instead of picking out a band-aid he asked for the green dino stuff again. Then he climbed up into the chair and kept playing.
The draw went as great as always! P is amazing! Doesn't matter if it's 6:30 in the morning or 3:00 in the afternoon P has awesome skills. We were off to the treasure box before we knew it. Levi picked a bug catching kit, saying that he had always wanted one of those (news to me!) and that we were going to collect bugs and keep them forever. He grabbed a few stickers today, but didn't want them on his jacket because they would get rained on.
We met Jay at the park and ride to go to Portsmouth. On the way home we stopped at Jay's work to grab the counts off the fax machine and they weren't there! Seriously! It has been hours! Since we weren't overly worried about his counts we decided to wait to call medical records for the next day. The next morning when counts still weren't on the fax machine, Jay called medical records and they sent over their crummy fax. Levi's count was 311. Another drop, but still an amazing number! Monday morning when Jay walked into work the real fax was on his desk. It had come in Friday night at 9:30 PM. That's right more then 30 hours!! after a stat lab we got the results!! Thank goodness his counts were good, because that was ridiculous!!

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