Tuesday, July 10, 2018

June 9 - Blood Work

June 9 - Blood Work

Levi was up bright and early this morning as per usual on weekends! I think his internal clock is backwards. I have to wake him up for school at 7:15 or later every school day, but on weekends he is up by 6! Drives Jay and I batty.

Jay and I had discussed that the most logical plan was to have him take Levi down for blood work because I could finish prepping for the party while they were gone. So they headed down to the lab early in the morning. They stopped and dropped off the balloons on the way so they would be filled.

They got to the hospital and had to check in at the ER. The hospital has no problem running a stat standing order over the weekend, but there is no one in the lab to check in with, so it is somewhat of a process. And always seems to take forever. Today was extra long as they always figure they need two nurses and one had just gone on break and the other was busy, so it took a few minutes before both were available to come down from the floor. As soon as they saw it was Levi they only had one nurse stay. They told Jay to tell the ER in the future to tell the nurses upstairs that it is Levi and they will only send down one and that should decrease our wait time on weekends.

The blood draw went as well as expected when it isn't P and Levi was off to the treasure box before Jay knew it. He doesn't do blood work often, so he always kinda finds it amazing at how well Levi really does do. He hears me talk about how easy it is, but until you actually see Levi go through the motions of it with a smile on his face and running around like he is at chuck e cheese its really hard to believe just how well a 4 year old does with labs.

Jay messaged me when they were done and they were planning on stopping at work on the way home to get the fax.

It hadn't been more then 25 minutes post him telling me they were done when my phone rang and it was Dr. C. I was very worried that counts were bad when the call came in that soon. She said hi and then said "I assume you know the counts at this point." I said, actually no, Jay and Levi aren't even home from the lab yet. She seemed kinda excited to actually get to tell me, as usually we already know. Levi's counts are at 90!! The second infusion did the trick!!! Dr. C and I talked about his party and said "Tell him to have fun and be a kid!" and then we truly talked about it, she said at this point we know he is increasing and you can pretty much resume all normal activities. Keep an eye on him, but you don't have to keep a crazy eye. However she did reiterate several times that if anything seemed off we needed to get him checked out, as pushing his little body at a party could be a lot for him, but she wanted him to have fun!

I am so excited!!!! Now we can have his space themed birthday party and I don't have to stress that I am making an unsafe health choice for him just to be able to have his birthday party. It is such a hard path to walk as a parent of a medical child. You want to keep their lives normal, and at the same time want to keep them in a bubble and make sure they don't get hurt or sick, and that is just really hard for a child of any age, let alone a 4 year old.

Here are his birthday cakes! :) He is going to love them!! Space is such an important thing to him. And yes his astronauts suit is green. He is 100% convinced that NASA lets you pick the color of your suit and his is going to be light green! He is also going to the moon when he is 4 right after we get off Mickey's Boat (not till next May!) Oh to be 4 and be excited about things again!!

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