Monday, July 2, 2018

June 7 - Blood Work

June 7 - Blood Work

Good Morning All! This morning was a great day for us. Levi got up without a problem and the morning went well! We got to the hospital and Levi was checking out his fountain. Here he is trying to tell me he doesn't understand why people put money in the fountain.
There was no line and no waiting and we were in to the lab quickly. P did an amazing job as always and we were off to the treasure box before I could blink! Levi had a bit of a hard time deciding. But did finally settle on a toy.
Then he gave hugs and we were off to see the donut lady! We got over to the little cafe and there were no sprinkle donuts left! Levi was so upset!! So it was a drive thru dunkin donuts kinda day!
Levi was very sad waiting in the car for his donut!
But then he got happy eating his sprinkle donut!
Then we were off to school. Since we were a little later then normal I dropped Levi off on the playground as it was after 9 and they were already at recess. I got a little half hug and then he was off and playing and I was off to work.

The distance between Levi's school and my work is just 12 minutes. I had not yet made it to work when my phone rang. That is NOT a good sign. I was expecting counts to fall some, but was not expecting a massive fall. I answered the phone to find out that his counts were 55! Not good. Jay and I talked for a quick minute about the plan. Since he was already at work he was going to get on the phone with Dr. C or Dr. K and figure out the plan as well as getting us a room at David's House for the night, while I was going to rush back to school to grab Levi. He isn't supposed to be at school with counts less then 100.

I arrived at school no more then 25 minutes after dropping him off. He was outside playing happily and running around with his friends. His teachers took one look at me and knew that something was off. I told them his counts had fallen and we were on our way to the hospital. They were shocked and rightfully scared. They were watching him run around and act completely normal while his counts were plummeting. They asked me to keep them in the loop when I could and I said I would of course and then I grabbed Levi and we were headed home to pack and get on the road.

Levi kept telling me he was fine and he felt good, and that we didn't need to rush to the hospital that he wanted to play with his friends. This is some of the heartbreaking part of USS. There is no rhyme to reason to it, and Levi seems to feel fine, and yet we have to rip him away from things. Hopefully all will go well at the hospital, because we currently have a birthday party in just 48 hours!

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